Thursday 24 April 2014

"Success isn't the key to happiness..."

"Success isn't the key to happiness instead,Happiness is  the key to success...If you love you are doing,you will be successful always..."

"A wise man...."

"A wise man should always have money in his head.....not in his heart..."

"Try to be your self...."

"Try to be yourself,because everyone else is already taken....."

"Always pray to God for endurance...."

"Never pray to God for easy life....instead of this ,pray to God to give you strength to endure a difficult one...."

"Always struggle hard..."

"Always struggle hard to build your own dreams or someone else will higher you to build their dreams..."

"Your desire must be success....."

"If you want to gain success in your life,then you desire for success should be greater then your fear of failure..."

"Everything has beauty...."

"Everything has beauty in this world...but not everyone has the ability to see it...."

"Follow confidently..."

"Follow confidently the direction of your dreams...Life the life you are imagining...."

"There are 2 important days in your life..."

"There are two most important days of you life...One is when you are born and other is when you realize that why you are born?......

"Your time is limited...."

"Your time is not unlimited...So stop wasting it on someone's life..."

"Your mind is everything..."

"The mind you have is everything....And what you think you 

"Life is something..."

"Life is something what happens to you while you're busy in making other plans..."

"Respect yourself...."

"Respect yourself that enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you..."

"There is a solution always for a problem...."

"There is a key for a lock...Similarly there is a solution for every problem..."

"The best type of game...."

"The best type of game is that,you know you cannot win it but you still play that game..."

Wednesday 23 April 2014

"Life is not about waiting..."

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,but it is about dancing in the rain...."

"Never try to interrupt...."

"Never try to interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake..."

"Always try to learn something..."

"Always try to learn something about everything and learn everything about something..."

"Nothing in this world..."

"Nothing in this world is more dangerous than the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity..."

"Dont stay in bed..."

"Don't stay in bed unless you can make money in bed..."

Tuesday 22 April 2014

"Sometimes in our life...."

"Sometimes in our life things become possible,if we want them badly..."

"Patience can be bitter...."

"Patience can be bitter but its fruit are very sweet..."

"Sometimes it really takes a good fall...."

"Sometimes it really takes a good fall to know that where are you standing...."

"To live...."

"To live is the rarest thing in this world.....Most people exists....."

"There lies a difference between truth and fact...."

"There is a big world of difference between the truth and the fact.Facts can obscure Truth....."

"A book without....."

"A book without words is like a love without kiss...."

"In the end truth will set you free...."

"In the end truth will set you free...but in the beginning it will piss you off..."

"Our past is made out of facts..."

"Our past is made out of facts.... And our future is just hope..."

"It is our duty to invent hope..."

"The place where there is no hope,it is our duty to invent it...."

"It is the only possibility..."

"It the only possibility that keeps us going,not guarantee..."

"Always count your age by friends and smile..."

"Always count your age by friends,not years and always count your life by smiles you had,not by tears...."

A person who got a clear conscience..."

"A person who got a clear conscience,got a bad memory..."

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing..."

"The secret of a life is honesty and fair dealing...and if you are able to fake it then you got it made...."

"Smile is like a curve..."

"A smile is like a curve that sets everything straight..."

"Never allow your sense of morals..."

"Never allow your sense of morals to prevent you from doing that what is right..."

"True best friends are shield...."

"Remember that only your true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies..."

"Always tell truth..."

"Always try to tell truth,or someone else will say it for you..."

"Life is so constructed..."

"Life is always so constructed that an event does not,cannot,and will not match the expectations...."

"Change your thought..."

"It's so nice about something that made sense for a change..."

'Life is like a paradise...."

"Life is like a paradise for those peoples,who loves many things with a passion...."

"Stop asking for what you dont need..."

"You will receive everything you need in your life.....when you stop asking for what you don't need..."

"The World is like a Mirror..."

"The world is like a mirror.....when you show anger to it,it also shows anger to you.....And when you smile,it also smiles..."

"Life is made by the death...."

"Remember that a human's life is made by death of several peoples...."

"Life always defend itself...."

"Life will always defend itself no matter how small the life is...."

"Finding beauty makes our life lovely..."

"The power of finding beauty inside a humblest thing makes our home happy and life lovely..."

"Human goes beyond their limit..."

"It is humans nature that human after reaching its limit,goes beyond limit..."

"Live like a legend..."

"Always dream like you are going to live forever....And always live like you are going to die tomorrow...."

"Happiness occurs by dealing problems..."

"Happiness doesn't occur because of absence of problems...Happiness occurs by having the ability to deal with that problems..."

"We forgot....."

"The only reason of having no peace is that we have forgotten that we belong to each other..."

Monday 21 April 2014

Even Strength....."

"It is true that even sometimes strength bows to wisdom...."

"Imagination is everything......."

'Imagination is everything.It is the preview of life's coming attractions...."

"Always correct your mistake...."

"If you made a mistake and do not correct it.Then it is called a mistake..."

"Your character lies in your own hand...."

"Parents can only give you good advice and put you on the right path,but the final forming of a person's  character lies in its own hand..."

Sunday 20 April 2014

"Never be afraid of your fears.."

"Never be afraid of you fears...They're not there to scare you...They're are there to let you know that something is worth it...."

"All of the darkness..."

"All of the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle...."

"Peoples who can't cry with whole heart..."

"Those peoples who don't know how to weep with their whole heart also don't know that how to laugh......"

"Do not apologize for crying...."

"Do not apologize for crying...Because without this emotion we are only robots......"

"Always take chances...."

"Always take chances,make mistakes...Thats how you grow...Pain nourishes your courage...You have to fail in order to practice being brave..."

"Courage doesn't always roar...."

"Courage doesn't always roar..Some times courage is the little voice at the end of the day,that say's ill try again tomorrow..."

"True happiness is based on peace....."

"Many people thinks that excitement is happiness..but whenever you  are excited,you are not peaceful...True happiness is based on peace...

Saturday 19 April 2014

"The two hardest things...."

"The two hardest things in life to say are 
 Hello for the first time;
 Good bye for the last time..."

"Always be nice to people..."

"Always be nice to people while you're on the way up,because you meet them on your way down....."

"Mostly it happens..."

"Mostly it happens in our life that we forget the thing we should remember..but we remember the things we should forget...."

"Being sad ........"

"Being sad with right people is better then being happy with wrong people....."

"Never allow someone..."

"Never allow someone to be your priority,while you are the only option left for them...."

"Advice is something that gives us choice..."

"Advice is something for what we ask ,when we already know the answers but wish we didn't..."

"The spaces between your fingers are created for some reason..."

                   "The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.."

"Faith is happening of something right..."

"Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want to have...It is the belief that God will do what is right..."

"Success is the result of our choices.."

"Success is not an accident...Its a result of the choices we make based on the things we believe in..."

Friday 18 April 2014

"The world is in order but we must put ourselves in order..."

"The world is not to be put in the order.Because world is order.It for us to put ourselves in unison with this order..."

"Some peoples are beautiful because of what they are......."

"Some peoples are so beautiful...Not because of their look...Not because of their sayings but because of what they are...."

“You must not lose faith in humanity..."

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” 

“There are two ways to be fooled..."

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” 

"The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up.."

“A beautiful thing happens when we start paying attention to each other. It is by participating more in your relationship that you breathe life into it.” 

"Do not give hope..."

“Do not give hope where there is none.
Do not turn away hope where there is seldom some.” 

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control ..."

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.” 

"The bad act of someone on you,should not be performed by you on others...."

"When someone do something bad to you,Promise your self that you will not do the same things to others.."

Thursday 17 April 2014

"You will know that how stronger you are when being stronger will be only choice left..."

"You will never know that how strong you are...until you have the only choice to be stronger...."

"like everyone we also got evil inside us...."

"Every one has evil inside them,and the first step to loving someone is to recognize the same evil in ourselves,so we are able to forgive them...."

"Always have faith..."

"None of us can predict that what is going to happen with us the very next minute.But we still move forward in our life's.Because we trust and we have Faith....."

"Always tell the truth no matter how bitter it is....."

"If you always tell the truth,you dont need to remember anything from the past...."

"Love got no conditions....."

“You see,there are some people that one loves, and others that perhaps one would rather be with.” 

"Little things can lead to success..."

"Do little things regularly to no one else seems want to do,be patient,and success will be your destiny..."

"It is better to be hated..."

"It is better to be hated for what you are.... than to be loved for what you are not..."

Wednesday 16 April 2014

"Truth can never be hidden....."

"Three things cannot hide for long.That is the moon,the sun and the Truth....."

"Feelings are like wild animals....."

"Feelings can be like wild animals.We underrate how fierce they are until we have open their cage.."

"Always try your best..."

"The man who has done or tried his best,acquired success.Even though the world written him as a failure.."

"Life is about creating not finding..."

             "Life is not something about finding your self but it is somthing about creating your self..."

Tuesday 15 April 2014

"Do thing with soul..."

"When you start doing things from your soul,you will feel a river moving in you,A joy.."

"Think 100 times before you do something..."

"Think 100 times before you take a decision.But once that decision is taken,stand by it as one man..."
                                                                                                                              "Muhammad Ali Jinnah"

Monday 14 April 2014

"Some times we move see who cares about us..."

"Some times,we put up wall....not because of avoding or staying away from people but because to make ourselves clear that who cares enough to knock them down..."

"Never become sweeter nor bitter..."

"Never become too much sweeter to others,because too much sweetness taken allow the person to get rid of sweetness ..... Similarly never become too much bitter to others because majority of peoples avoid bitter things to eat......." 

Friday 11 April 2014

"People who thinks they are perfect ,are'nt..."

"People who thinks that they are really perfect are too much annoying to those peoples who really are perfect"

Thursday 10 April 2014

"Little Words and act of kindness..."

"Little deeds of kind,
 little words of love,
 can make this world an eden,
 like the heaven above."
                                       'Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney'

"Quiet peoples have the loudest mind.."

"In our life's,there are a kind of peoples who are quiet and fragile.But we dont know that they are the most inspiring and strongest of all"

"One door closes,thousand opens.."

"When one door of happiness closes,many door opens,but more often we look toward closed door and  thats why we didnt see the opened doors"

Tuesday 8 April 2014

"The strongest person......."

"Some people thinks that the most strongest person is whom that never feels the pain,
but in reality,the strongest person is whom that feels,understands and accept the pain"

"It is you attitude,that is the key to success"

                                                               "It is you attitude,
                                                                not your apitude,
                                                                that determines your altitude."

Monday 7 April 2014

"A life is given to you because you are stroung enough to live it"

"Life is a dream for a wise,a game for a fool,a comedy for the rich and like a tragedy for a poor"